Ausschreibung: Unternehmens- und Managementberatung - DE-Eschborn Unternehmens- und Managementberatung Dienstleistungen in Verbindung mit der Holzgewinnung Dokument Nr...: 371497-2020 (ID: 2020080709254091174) Veröffentlicht: 07.08.2020 * DE-Eschborn: Unternehmens- und Managementberatung 2020/S 152/2020 371497 Auftragsbekanntmachung Dienstleistungen Rechtsgrundlage: Richtlinie 2014/24/EU Abschnitt I: Öffentlicher Auftraggeber I.1)Name und Adressen Offizielle Bezeichnung: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Postanschrift: Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 Ort: Eschborn NUTS-Code: DE71A Main-Taunus-Kreis Postleitzahl: 65760 Land: Deutschland E-Mail: [6] Telefon: +49 6196797502 Fax: +49 619679807502 Internet-Adresse(n): Hauptadresse: [7] I.2)Informationen zur gemeinsamen Beschaffung I.3)Kommunikation Die Auftragsunterlagen stehen für einen uneingeschränkten und vollständigen direkten Zugang gebührenfrei zur Verfügung unter: [8] s Weitere Auskünfte erteilen/erteilt die oben genannten Kontaktstellen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge sind einzureichen elektronisch via: [9] I.4)Art des öffentlichen Auftraggebers Andere: Legal person governed by private law (gemeinnützige GmbH) wholly owned by the Federal Republic of Germany I.5)Haupttätigkeit(en) Andere Tätigkeit: International development cooperation Abschnitt II: Gegenstand II.1)Umfang der Beschaffung II.1.1)Bezeichnung des Auftrags: 81259106 Promotion of Economy and Employment (Eco-Emploi) Referenznummer der Bekanntmachung: 81259106 II.1.2)CPV-Code Hauptteil 79410000 Unternehmens- und Managementberatung II.1.3)Art des Auftrags Dienstleistungen II.1.4)Kurze Beschreibung: The National Industrial Research and Development Agency (NIRDA), has the mandate to improve the competitiveness and to upgrade technological operations of existing industries, including wood sector. The bilateral Economy and Employment Promotion Programme (EcoEmploi), as part of the Rwandan-German Development Cooperation, aims to increase growth and employment in selected Value Chains (VC). The scope of this project, supported by GIZ EcoEmploi, is to create a twin incubator/accelerator facility (I/A) hosted by NIRDA as a tool to move the Rwandan wood industry towards higher capacity, innovativeness and new investments as well as via a feedback mechanism to the market and Government institutions. The I/A aims to: strengthen the knowledge and competencies of entrepreneurs and management teams, provide insight on what entrepreneurs and management teams should expect as they evolve/develop through Incubation and acceleration; support the growth and technological upgrading of more mature start-ups and SMEs via the provision of structured and studied interventions through an acceleration program to prepare them to meet the requirements at specific stages of capital raising (seed stage, early stage, venture capital stage, later growth stage capital) as well as scaling the individual companies; strengthen the capacity of national institutions involved in the Wood Value Chain development to light up and broaden their vision in decision-making processes for modernisation of the wood sector in Rwanda; facilitate the business networks and linkages of local PS operators with foreign legal timber suppliers and wood products markets. II.1.5)Geschätzter Gesamtwert II.1.6)Angaben zu den Losen Aufteilung des Auftrags in Lose: nein II.2)Beschreibung II.2.1)Bezeichnung des Auftrags: II.2.2)Weitere(r) CPV-Code(s) 77211000 Dienstleistungen in Verbindung mit der Holzgewinnung II.2.3)Erfüllungsort NUTS-Code: 00 Not specified Hauptort der Ausführung: GIZ country office Rwanda KN 41 ST 17, Kigali 00000 RWANDA. II.2.4)Beschreibung der Beschaffung: Since the mid-1990s, the Rwandan economy has grown by an average of about 8 %, however wood industry has not performed well in last decade and Rwanda is utterly an importer of wood products. The causes include insufficient market and customer orientation, inadequate sustainable business models, low productivity, lack of technic and management competencies. The strengthening of the wood sector was one of the major recommendations of the 13^th National Leadership Retreat of 2016. The National Industrial Research and Development Agency (NIRDA), has the mandate to improve the competitiveness and to upgrade technological operations of existing industries, including wood sector, in order to increase their potential to undertake import substitution. The bilateral Economy and Employment Promotion Programme (EcoEmploi), as part of the Rwandan-German Development Cooperation, aims to increase growth and employment in selected Value Chains (VC). The scope of this project, supported by GIZ EcoEmploi, is to create a twin incubator/accelerator facility (I/A) hosted by NIRDA as a tool to move the Rwandan wood industry towards higher capacity, innovativeness and new investments as well as via a feedback mechanism to the market and Government institutions. The I/A aim to: strengthen the knowledge and competencies of entrepreneurs and management teams, provide insight on what entrepreneurs and management teams should expect as they evolve/develop through Incubation and acceleration; support the growth and technological upgrading of more mature start-ups and SMEs via the provision of structured and studied interventions through an acceleration program to prepare them to meet the requirements at specific stages of capital raising (seed stage, early stage, venture capital stage, later growth stage capital) as well as scaling the individual companies; strengthen the capacity of national institutions involved in the wood value chain development to light up and broaden their vision in decision-making processes for modernization of the wood sector in Rwanda; facilitate the business networks and linkages of local PS operators with foreign legal timber suppliers and wood products markets: Bidders interested in apply must be able to demonstrate experience in: supporting and backstopping Wood Sector businesses development and technical upgrade, conducting focused surveys on the furniture sector and its entire value chain, assist in in data collection and analysis, quantitative and qualitative approaches, forecasting. They should have immediate access to a significant in-house database of wood sector information and possess a global network of sector experts, professionals and potential investors from at least two different continents including Africa. An international long-term expert (LTE) with wood sector specific technical background will assume the role of team leader and ensure the overall management and tasks of the I/A. A second international LTE with wood sector specific economic background will support him as deputy team leader. They will be responsible to jointly strategise the interventions and coordinate the activities for the implementation of all working packages defined in TORs. The I/A concept is centred on multi-disciplinary services. The bidder must demonstrate to be able to support beneficiaries of incubation and acceleration services at various stages of project/company development and need (Ideation, Seed, Angel, Venture Capital and Growth Capital) and to be able mobilise specific technical expertise in terms of business strategy, business analysis, institution coordination, wood technology and industrial development. The approach will aim at providing complementary tailored expertise through I/A staff and other locally available short term experts (STEs) or international STEs when local expertise is not available. The range of specific know-how of STEs should cover the following skills and competences: tree nurseries management, seed selection, trees propagation, seedlings production, forest management and forest engineering; timber first processing (industrial sawmilling); wood secondary processing (timber drying, CLT, glulam, finger joints, intermediary elements for furniture and fixtures, CAD/CAM/CNC processing, wood preservation treatments); wood tertiary processing (carpentry, joinery, cabinetmaking, carving and inlaying, wood finishing); industrial planning, design and access to technology; interior design; company and cooperative management (accounting, fund raising, process management, investing, HR, management, business modelling and strategy, data and decision-making, marketing, market strategy, customer behaviour, branding, negotiation, tax schemes, tariffs, incentives); marketing, contract fulfilment, customer care, E-commerce, Visibility and communication; ICT (computers and software), mobile technology in business; processes and wood products certifications and standardisations, quality control, monitoring. The bidder must provide a panel of proposed key STEs in order to cover with at least one expert each point in the list of specific qualifications, each expert can cover more than one field of expertise. The experts together must cover all fields. In order to ensure sustainability for the project also after the initial 2-year programme supported by GIZ, and to manage daily tasks the I/A should be staffed also with permanent national personnel (PNP) and national long term experts with a core team including at least a Head I/A Office and a technical CAD/GIS clerk (national LTEs), a secretary/accountant and a driver (Support Staff). II.2.5)Zuschlagskriterien Der Preis ist nicht das einzige Zuschlagskriterium; alle Kriterien sind nur in den Beschaffungsunterlagen aufgeführt II.2.6)Geschätzter Wert II.2.7)Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems Beginn: 15/11/2020 Ende: 14/11/2022 Dieser Auftrag kann verlängert werden: ja Beschreibung der Verlängerungen: Depending on the mandate and volume of available funding and term and priorities of the programme, additional tasks may be required. This means that the contract duration and/or budget may be increased during the implementation by means of a contract modification and/or a follow-on contract. II.2.10)Angaben über Varianten/Alternativangebote Varianten/Alternativangebote sind zulässig: nein II.2.11)Angaben zu Optionen Optionen: ja Beschreibung der Optionen: Depending on the mandate and volume of available funding and term and priorities of the programme, additional tasks may be required. This means that the contract duration and/or budget may be increased during the implementation by means of a contract modification and/or a follow-on contract. GIZ also reserves the right to award contracts for additional services of this type in a comparable extent to the successful company in this procedure by means of a negotiated procedure without a prior call for competition. II.2.12)Angaben zu elektronischen Katalogen II.2.13)Angaben zu Mitteln der Europäischen Union Der Auftrag steht in Verbindung mit einem Vorhaben und/oder Programm, das aus Mitteln der EU finanziert wird: nein II.2.14)Zusätzliche Angaben Abschnitt III: Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Angaben III.1)Teilnahmebedingungen III.1.1)Befähigung zur Berufsausübung einschließlich Auflagen hinsichtlich der Eintragung in einem Berufs- oder Handelsregister Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen: 1) Trading name and address, commercial register number and extract and evidence of creditworthiness. 2) Eligibility declaration that no grounds for exclusion in section 123, 124 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) apply. 3) Eligibility declaration subcontractors if applicable. 4) Association clause if applicable. III.1.2)Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Eignungskriterien: 1) Average annual turnover for the last three years: EUR 1 000 000. 2) Number of employees as at 31.12 of the previous year: 10 employees. III.1.3)Technische und berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit Auflistung und kurze Beschreibung der Eignungskriterien: 1) At least five reference projects in the technical field Economic Development in the field of Wood Industry and at least two reference projects in the region Africa in the last 3 years. 2) The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of EUR 100 000.00. III.1.5)Angaben zu vorbehaltenen Aufträgen III.2)Bedingungen für den Auftrag III.2.1)Angaben zu einem besonderen Berufsstand III.2.2)Bedingungen für die Ausführung des Auftrags: III.2.3)Für die Ausführung des Auftrags verantwortliches Personal Verpflichtung zur Angabe der Namen und beruflichen Qualifikationen der Personen, die für die Ausführung des Auftrags verantwortlich sind Abschnitt IV: Verfahren IV.1)Beschreibung IV.1.1)Verfahrensart Offenes Verfahren IV.1.3)Angaben zur Rahmenvereinbarung oder zum dynamischen Beschaffungssystem IV.1.4)Angaben zur Verringerung der Zahl der Wirtschaftsteilnehmer oder Lösungen im Laufe der Verhandlung bzw. des Dialogs IV.1.6)Angaben zur elektronischen Auktion IV.1.8)Angaben zum Beschaffungsübereinkommen (GPA) Der Auftrag fällt unter das Beschaffungsübereinkommen: ja IV.2)Verwaltungsangaben IV.2.1)Frühere Bekanntmachung zu diesem Verfahren IV.2.2)Schlusstermin für den Eingang der Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge Tag: 07/09/2020 Ortszeit: 12:00 IV.2.3)Voraussichtlicher Tag der Absendung der Aufforderungen zur Angebotsabgabe bzw. zur Teilnahme an ausgewählte Bewerber IV.2.4)Sprache(n), in der (denen) Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch IV.2.6)Bindefrist des Angebots Das Angebot muss gültig bleiben bis: 20/11/2020 IV.2.7)Bedingungen für die Öffnung der Angebote Tag: 07/09/2020 Ortszeit: 12:00 Abschnitt VI: Weitere Angaben VI.1)Angaben zur Wiederkehr des Auftrags Dies ist ein wiederkehrender Auftrag: nein VI.2)Angaben zu elektronischen Arbeitsabläufen Aufträge werden elektronisch erteilt VI.3)Zusätzliche Angaben: The communication takes place exclusively via the project area of the portal. Notice-ID: CXTRYY6YM3E VI.4)Rechtsbehelfsverfahren/Nachprüfungsverfahren VI.4.1)Zuständige Stelle für Rechtsbehelfs-/Nachprüfungsverfahren Offizielle Bezeichnung: Die Vergabekammern des Bundes Postanschrift: Villemombler Straße 76 Ort: Bonn Postleitzahl: 53123 Land: Deutschland E-Mail: [10] Telefon: +49 2289499-0 Fax: +49 2289499-163 Internet-Adresse: [11] VI.4.2)Zuständige Stelle für Schlichtungsverfahren VI.4.3)Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen Genaue Angaben zu den Fristen für die Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen: According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as: 1) the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected; 2) complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice; 3) complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids; 4) more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint. Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, section 1, sentence 2 remains unaffected. VI.4.4)Stelle, die Auskünfte über die Einlegung von Rechtsbehelfen erteilt VI.5)Tag der Absendung dieser Bekanntmachung: 03/08/2020 References 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Operation & Alert Service (icc-hofmann) for: The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The Federal Office of Foreign Trade Information Phone: +49 6082-910101, Fax: +49 6082-910200, URL: